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Aiśvara Yoga

“The perfect knowledge of yoga vaivarta (union with the divine manifestation) or aiśvara yoga (union with the Lord) is obtained by living according to the Middle Way.”

Dharma Sūtra 11 – Śrī Tathāta.

Aiśvara Yoga is a discipline taught by Śrī Tathāta to help humanity prepare for the ongoing changes in this period. This practice is accessible to people of all ages and experience levels, including absolute beginners to yoga.

Aiśvara Yoga combines the essence of the original teachings of the ancient spiritual science described in the Vedas into a single sequence of exercises and techniques. This variety of techniques has only been divided and taught as different yoga disciplines in relatively recent times.

The practice of Aiśvara Yoga purifies the three bodies – physical, pranic, and mental – awakens internal energies and harmonizes them deeply, allowing the practitioner to achieve “Union with the Divine,” considered the highest state of well-being a human being can experience.

The elements that make up the Aiśvara Yoga sequence include āsana (body postures and movements), mantra (pronunciation of sacred sounds), prāṇāyāma (advanced breathing techniques), meditation, visualizations, and chanting. These elements lead practitioners to experience an increase in overall well-being in daily life, improve willpower, concentration, and a predisposition to serenity and inner peace in every situation.

Through regular practice of Aiśvara Yoga, it is possible to achieve a significant transformation of one’s existence in a short time, reaching a state of happiness, prosperity, health, awareness, and harmony.

The guided group practice gradually leads to learning and mastering the techniques, which can subsequently be performed regularly in complete autonomy.

Aiśvara Yoga teachers are all advanced Agnisnāna students, initiated in India by Śrī Tathāta.

To receive information about places in Italy where you can learn and practice Aiśvara Yoga, we invite you to contact us or subscribe to our newsletter. Additionally, you can contact us to participate in online Aiśvara Yoga sessions, allowing you to practice comfortably from your home.

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